Saether Funeral Service

Phone Number
saether [at]

206 South Main Street
Blanchardville, WI 53516
United States

Open by appointment.  Phones answered by staff whenever possible including evenings, live answering service other times.  

Saether Funeral Service has been serving the Pecatonica area of Blanchardville and Hollandale, Wisconsin since 1879, handed down for five generations from father to son.  We have grown and changed with the times, offering a wide range of services with an emphasis on meaningful services and environmental options.  In 2017 The Saether Funeral Home moved into their new home, utilizing the facilities of Blanchard Hall on Main Street in Blanchardville.  We now have room for up to 180 people for a service, plus additional seating with video access.  Video and sounds systems are installed in the two buildings allowing for video photo and video presentations as part of a funeral or visitation.  A full kitchen and dining for up to 200 people is also part of the facility, allowing for large funeral lunches to be held on site if desired.

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42.810623745467, -89.861894160833