Water Quality


Lafayette County is blessed to have an abundance of safe drinking water and numerous opportunities for recreation on beautiful lakes, rivers and streams. Protecting these water resources and ensuring that our water is safe to drink and enjoy is a priority of the Lafayette County Health Department. 


Lafayette County Health Department is now a DATCP and DNR Certified Water Testing Laboratory for Bacteria (total coliform) and Nitrate-Nitrite. It is recommended that all wells used for drinking water be tested annually for safety.

Click here for more information ⇒ LCHD Water Lab

►Water Resources

In 2017 & 2018, Lafayette County Health Department offered a Drinking Water Testing & Education Program. This program offered a convenient opportunity to test county resident’s private well water and learn about potential threats and proper techniques to keep drinking water safe.  With full County Board support and some financial backing – Lafayette County offered to pay 25% of the testing costs. Residents could choose the Homeowner Package which tested for Bacteria and Nitrates; the Metals Package which tested for Arsenic, Lead & Copper, Iron and Zinc; the Triazine-Type Pesticide Screen or they could do all three packages.  UW Stevens Point tested and summarized all of the samples. A summary of a few of the more common screenings can be found under the 2017 and 2018 Annual Reports.

Wisconsin Waters and Your Health