

Immunizations Save Lives

Immunizations are one of the greatest achievements in public health.

They also are called vaccinations. Before vaccines, many children died from diseases like measles, pertussis (whooping cough), and polio. Vaccines now prevent those and many other diseases.

If you get a vaccine, it prevents you from getting sick from that disease. If enough people in one area get the vaccine, the disease doesn’t have much chance to spread. That means the entire community is better protected.

Decades ago, people in our country began getting vaccines on a regular basis. That greatly reduced the spread of diseases prevented by vaccines. However, the viruses and bacteria that cause these diseases still exist. Some of them can make you very sick. Some are deadly. Vaccines are the best way to prevent serious illness or death from these diseases.

Certain diseases are so rare now, that parents sometimes ask if vaccines are even necessary. The truth is, most diseases that can be prevented by vaccines still exist in the world, even in the United States. Vaccinations play a crucial role in keeping kids healthy. Unfortunately, misinformation about vaccines make some parents decide not to immunize their children, putting them and others at a greater risk for illness.

Vaccination Costs

Childhood Immunizations (ages 0-18): 

Adult Immunizations: 

  • Vaccines are available for adults who are VFA (Vaccine for Adult) eligible (Uninsured or underinsured). Adults with BadgerCare are considered insured. 

A donation is appreciated but not necessary.

Patients with health insurance shall be directed to their primary care provider or pharmacy to receive immunizations.